Quick Start to Rigging in Maya: Volume 2.

In part two we created foot bank which DOES NOT have any money in it, we then created a channel to control the foot bank and then built a expression which seemed far too close to math for my tastes.
We then went over setting the proper rotate order which if not done correctly could summon a demon called Gribbol Loch (no idea how the demon got involved) apparently this demon has lots of "issues." Refined the controls for the fingers an cleaned up a lot of parameters that wouldn't be used (now fingers can be moved individually, kind of like Twix). I gotta give it to this guy, he's all about giving animators the fingers including using curves as controllers which are almost impossible to select.

Then duplicated the mesh and created a blend shape to make a grin, took AWHILE to find the paint blend shape weights tool due to the video being outdated but eventually found it.

Finished by adding a control channel for the blendshap in the head anim group and hiding the skeleton, IK controls and  the foot banking rig:


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